Thursday, November 20, 2008


Well, for some reason I decided that it would be a really great idea to stay up until midnight to see my SAT scores. Come midnight (and some minutes), THEY WEREN'T UP YET. The College Board was all "Your November SAT scores will be available on November 2oth" and I was all "It IS November 20th!"
And then I went to bed. But instead of sleeping, like I should have, I finished reading The Bell Jar. Which is amazing. But still. Sleep is also amazing.

Zzzzz-ly yours...


Steph said...

So, the question is, what did you score? :P


B. said...

That was genius. I could go into the details of why it actually wasn't, and why you shouldn't have expected the college board to post SAT scores at midnight, but I don't think I need to.

And yeah, how'd you do?

Rae said...

I would tell you... but then I'd have to kill you.

Steph said...

Ooo, scary. :P