Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Life Got Busy

Just, you know, all of a sudden.
I have Leviathan and Forest Born to review, but I haven't had time to do so.
This is a failrific thing, I know.
Eventually these will be reviewed.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


I just got Going Bovine in the mail.
I'm so excited.
Even the acknowledgments are funny and awesome.

So, expect a review in the near future.

Monday, September 14, 2009


My college bookstore has a deplorable YA selection.
My college is in the middle of nowhere.


Monday, August 17, 2009

Some Things

Thing One: I had become rather sick of having my sidebar blocked by those silly widescreen videos.

Thing Two: I had an epiphany recently. You see, I was watching a film and eating some Smarties. The dark in the theater and the quiet in my brain and the fact that I was eating the Smarties slowly for once combined in such a way that I discovered something amazing: Smarties have flavors! Specific flavors, I mean... rather than just sweet/sour. The yellow ones taste like pineapple. They are totally my new favorite.

Thing Three: Masterpiece Theatre Mystery is the bomb. Seriously. Last night I watched one of Agatha Christie's Poirot stories, and it rocked. But even if the story itself does not so much rock... it's still introduced by Alan Cumming. Who rocks.

Thing Four: When the hell is the next Abarat book going to come out? I've been thinking about this lately. I mean, that series is--in my humble estimation--absolutely brilliant. But the last book came out in 2004. We know that the series will supposedly have five books in it, when all is said and done, so it en't dead... but this is my "Daddy, I want an Oompa Loompa NOW" moment. *Sad face.* But then, I suppose I can wait for what wikipedia tells me will be over 1800 pages of dark and delicious (wikipedia didn't actually say that part... delicious, I mean) prose.

Er... those are all of the things. I think.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Strange Days, Indeed

Just now, this car that had some brightly-colored shirts hanging up inside of it pulled up directly in front of my house. A woman in a striped, electric-pink shirt got out and galumphed over to her trunk. From the trunk she pulled a honeydew melon. Then she got back into her car and drove away.

I don't know why this happened.
Confusion abounds.
Maybe it was a prophecy about... my future... with honeydew melons. Yeah...

Monday, March 16, 2009


Having got my first college acceptance, I am marginally more confident that I shall not perish in a box in the gutters of the world. At least, not before I get a college education.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Oh, childhood.

Oh man. Gargoyles.
Way better than Street Sharks, Eli. I don't care if they're sharks with pants.
I mean, you guys decide.


Clearly the first, no?

Monday, February 9, 2009

Angry Letter, Happy Letter

This post is flying at you through the tubes in two parts. Well. Three. Ish.

Part the First:
Dear Anna Klejnowski,
I've just received your SUPER DUPER CLASSY letter and would like to thank you for your kindness in recognizing me as a "possible candidate" for your Miss Teen San Francisco pageant. Much appreciated, to be sure. I do sincerely regret to inform you that I will not be dropping by for you to judge me on "personality, casual wear and formal wear modeling," as I have just discovered that your most cordial invitation is a big fat scam.* So I will not be bringing myself, my family or "any additional interested young ladies" to any hotel room within a five mile radius of you and your minions. It interests me that you happen to be the "local coordinator" for pageants in San Fransisco, Las Vegas, Akron, South Jersey, Seattle and Chicago. Especially since you mailed your letter from Hermitage, Pennsylvania.

In conclusion, you are an evil wench who sucks the souls of the young and hopeful, and I am not in the slightest bit interested in paying you in order to "accomplish [my goals] on stage." Scamming young girls and their families is stupid. Maybe you should try robbing banks or something.

Best Wishes and many thanks for the great laughs,

PS: The pink sparkly tiara watermark on your stationary is not so very classy. Thought you might want to know.

Part the Second:
Dear Paolo DiFabio,
You pretty much rocked my socks when I auditioned for BU this past weekend. You articulated perfectly how I feel about theatre, and it was almost as though you were describing me to myself. The whole thing about success--that it isn't about a seven-figure income, but about living where you please and doing what you love--is so fundamentally true for me that hearing it worded so well from another person was pretty much magical.

One thing you said that really resonated was: "As an actor, you are your only constant. It's great to be supported by loved ones, but in the end, you have to support yourself."** This stuck with me because a) it's true and b) I hadn't really thought of it in that way before. Acting as a profession is gonna be hard and full of rejection and I'll likely be scraping change from the sidewalk a lot of the time. But it'll be okay, as long as I remember to be constant for myself, and not rely on the praise or criticism of others.

Also, before I auditioned with you, BU wasn't at the top of my list. It is now.

I really, really hope that I get to work with you in the future.


So yeah. It's so interesting... People, I mean. On the one hand, you've got those who prey on the wishes and wallets of the innocent. And then on the other you have those wonderful strangers who understand that what you want isn't a "back-up plan" that'll leave you rolling in the dough when you "fail" at your dreams, but to do what you love for as long as you can.

Contemplating things that may or may not be pointless to contemplate, laughing at "Pageantry with Purpose"*** to, you know, scam people... and as always most humbly and other-things-ly yours,

*Not that I would want to participate in the first place. Though it would be quite singularly and especially hilarious.
**That's not verbatim, guys. Sorry.