Monday, July 28, 2008

Markus Zusak...

... is brilliant. I tried to start this post in various ways. More interesting, engaging ways. But the truth is, nothing but that simple sentence felt quite right.

Back when The Book Thief came out, in 2006, I couldn't help but pick it up. It was narrated by Death. It was beautiful. And heartbreaking. It became one of my favourite books of all time before I even turned the last page. I vowed to read another of Zusak's books. And--in my usual manner--promptly forgot.

Until the other day, that is, when I picked up a copy of I Am the Messenger, which was on very good sale at a local independent bookstore. I had thought that it didn't look nearly as promising as The Book Thief, but I bought it anyhow. It was absolutely amazing. Poetic. Meaningful. It made me laugh out loud. It made me cry. It made me think. I finished it quickly, and--much to the amusement and possible annoyance of my mum--the following hours (even days, now I think on it) were punctuated by sudden proclamations of: "Oh my god, that book was fantastic!"

When you get right down to it, precious few authors have impacted me so.
Zusak's style of writing is beautiful and unlike anything else I've read.
His stories ring true. They remind me of breathing. And life. If that makes sense. Or even if it doesn't.

So anyhow... if you need something to read, by all means, pick up a a book by Markus Zusak.

"Usually, we walk around constantly believing ourselves. 'I'm okay,' we say. 'I'm all right.' But sometimes the truth arrives on you, and you can't get it off."
-- from I Am the Messenger, by Markus Zusak (That quotation really struck me... I would include one from The Book Thief, as well, but I lent my copy to somebody and haven't got it back yet)

Admiringly, praise-singingly, and yours


Khy said...

Markus Zusak= One of the most amazing people EVER. Well, maybe not ever, but he is pretty amazing.

Rae said...

Did you meet him?!?!?!?!?!?

Khy said...

I WISH. The closest he's ever been is 5 or 6 hours away from me. D: But I will meet him one day...once he comes closer to me.

I suppose I should of said his -writing- is amazing. But that pretty much makes him amazing.

Anonymous said...

only rarely does a book come along that quenches the heart and forces out a laugh at the same time. After reading The Book Thief, i didn't think any other book could come close to its greatness until i read I Am the Messenger. I proudly own both of them and will never give them away. Markus Zusak is a phenomenal author.