Sunday, July 20, 2008


You know that kid who can skateboard down the street, texting, with music pumping into one ear and a wireless headset in the other?

That's definitely not me.
Let me explain.

Last night, I was eating salad. It had a lot of vinegar on it, because vinegar is delicious. While I ate it, I was reading I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone by Stephanie Kuehnert. It's an awesome book (like, amazing... it renewed my practically futile rock-band aspirations), just as Stephanie is an awesome person (we met her on Friday through Not Your Mother's Book Club). Needless to say, I wasn't paying attention to my salad. So when a piece of lettuce flipped a hearty amount of vinegar into my eye, I was both in serious pain as well as just seriously embarrassed. I mean, really. Am I so inept that I can't eat and read at the same time? It's not that I ever (everever) want to become the texting/skateboarding/talking on the phone/ipod worshipping/ignoring the people around me girl wonder. But it would be great if I could read while eating dinner without launching an acidic substance into my eye.

Walking down the street and reading, though? I've got that one down. I've yet to walk into a pole (*cough*Eli*cough*) while doing so.

Relatively inept, reading constantly, and yours,


Anonymous said...

Ah, multitasking.
I like to think I've become fairly good at it in certain forms, like listening to music, sleeping, and attending English class.
I have dropped books in bowls of cereal/the sink though.

nineseveneight said...

I only kind of HALF-ran-into that pole, okay? I noticed it when it hit my book. And my knee.


Anonymous said...

Up-side: You have good aim. I mean seriously, it's a tiny drop of vinegar. You can barely see it and yet, it landed in your eye.


Anonymous said...

I can't drink and walk at the same time but I can read and walk. That's more important anyway. hehe.
Vinegar in your eye. ouch.